
Happy Lesbian

Be Happy Lesbian

No need to have a high-pride of being a lesbian, it’s just sexual identity
be happy of being a forgiving lesbian, gains respectful.

Don’t have a pride of being a gorgeous look lesbian, it fades year by year
be happy of having a good heart lesbian, stays forever in life

Don’t have a pride of being an arrogant lesbian, will be left alone
be happy of being a helpful lesbian, and will be remembered

Don’t have a pride of being a prefect lesbian, people will get bored someday
be happy of being original imperfect lesbian, copy is valueless

Don’t do self-denying as a lesbian, self-acceptance is healthy happy
no need to show off much, it can be annoying and irritating

Be Happy Lesbian

(Lvcif3R 2016/03)

Lvcif3[R]a Lesbiana

imperfection makes me creative

flaws help showing strength within me

charm affection makes me romantic

patience helps me to survive

being myself makes me a happy lesbian

a loving faithful woman completes me

(Lvcif3R 2016/03)

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